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Serving Our Community

A hallmark of our family medicine faculty is the amount of time they devote to volunteer service. Many have received prestigious awards for their work.

Leading by example, our physicians act as role models and inspire students to broaden their commitment to the underserved, as well as to provide service to disadvantaged communities in their future careers. 

Below are examples of how our faculty are engaged in community service work. Students can get involved in these and other volunteer opportunities through the RUSH Community Service Initiatives Program

  • Ruchi Fitzgerald, MD, and Emma Klug, M1 (FMLP) packed Naloxone kits that were distributed in the ED for patients with opioid use disorder or opioid overdose at West Suburban. 
    Two women wearing surgical masks pack supplies


  • Michael Hanak, MD, March of Dimes team captain for RUSH Family Medicine raised over $1,000 as part of the movement to create positive change for moms and babies everywhere, especially those most at risk. With preterm birth and maternal death rates continuing to rise, we’re committed to raising funds so that every family gets the best possible start



  • Stephanie Moss, M2, organized creation and distribution of over 1,300 care packages and raised $4,000 in supplies and donations for the 77 homeless shelters. Stephanie also helped coordinate the distribution of 75,000 flyers regarding the COVID-19 isolation center to all the testing sites and clinics throughout Chicago and called COVID-19 patients through Cook County’s Research on Health Equity.
    A woman wearing a surgical mask sits in the driver's seat of a car, with boxes of supplies visible in the back seat


  • Max Pitlosh, MD sees patients with developmental disorders at Misericordia Home each week.


  • Steven K. Rothschild, MD
    • Convener, Chicago Homelessness & Health Response Group for Equity (CHHGRE)

      Initiated and led multisector city-wide response group to mitigate impact of COVID-19 pandemic on homeless and vulnerably housed persons. Participation by over 100 representatives from hospitals, FQHCs, homeless shelters, transitional housing providers, developers, policy advocates, and City Departments of Public Health, Housing, and Family and Support Services led to rapid deployment of screening and testing in shelters, establishment of shield housing for most vulnerable, and isolation units for COVID + homeless persons.
    • Member, Chicago Board of Health

      Appointed by Mayor to nine-member advisory body for Chicago Department of Public Health. Provide guidance and direction to Commissioner of Health on services, policies and procedures, and legislation.
    • Albert Schweitzer Fellowship Program (Chicago)

      Serve on program Advisory Committee; Chair of Advisory Committee since 2019. Program works with 30 health sciences students per year, each of whom provides 200 hours of direct service to medically underserved community in Chicago. Interview applicants, provide support to student projects, deliver annual Orientation lecture.
    • Rush Community Services Initiatives (RCSIP)

      Provide monthly clinic precepting since inception of Rush’s student service-learning program in 1994. Supervise 6-12 students during each clinic session providing free medical care to 20-30 homeless and uninsured people per night.

      1994-1998 St. Basil’s Free Clinic

      1998 – Present Franciscan House of Mary and Joseph
  • Timothy Wollner, DO volunteered with the COVID-19 vaccination drive in Austin.