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Section of Anatomy Education

Section of Anatomy Education Faculty

A Community of Educators

The Section of Anatomy Education within the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology is a community of educators who teach the anatomical sciences (gross anatomy, histology, embryology, and neuroscience). The Section of Anatomy Education meets monthly for faculty development, to plan for current/upcoming courses/programs, and to discuss hot topics in the field of anatomical sciences education. Faculty educators within the section teach a variety of student populations across three of Rush University’s colleges (Rush Medical College, College of Nursing, College of Health Sciences). The majority of gross anatomy teaching occurs within the Human Anatomy Laboratory.


Teaching Responsibilities

For information about the teaching services offered through the Section of Anatomy Education, please contact the section director, Adam Wilson, PhD ( to learn more.


College of Health Sciences

Course Number Course Title Term Credits
AUD 602 Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory System Fall 1
HSC 360 (Undergraduate) Human Anatomy with Lab Fall 4
OCC 504L Occupational Therapy Functional Anatomy with Lab Fall 2
PHA 511 Human Anatomy for Physician Assistants Summer 4
SLP 537L (Speech Language Pathology) Anatomy Lab Fall 2


College of Nursing

Course Number Course Title Term Credits
ANA 500 Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications Fall 2


Rush Medical College

Course Number Course Title Term Credits
RMD 560 Foundations of Medical Practice Fall NA
RMD 561 Host Defense and Host Response Fall NA
RMD 563 Food to Fuel Spring NA
RMD 564 Movement and Mechanics Spring NA
RMD 565 Brain, Behavior, and Cognition Summer NA
RMD 566 Sexuality and Reproduction Fall NA
RMD 567 Growth, Development, and Life Cycle Fall NA
RMD 568 Hematology and Oncology Fall NA
RMD 569 Complex Cases and Transition to Clerkships Spring NA
RMD 574 Vital Fluids Fall NA
RMD 575 Vital Gases Spring NA


Educational Research/Scholarship

Featured research

  • Dale R. Sumner, Sabine Hildebrandt, Allison Nesbitt, Melissa A. Carroll, Vassiliki B. Smocovitis, Jeffrey T. Laitman, Amy C. Beresheim, Christopher J. Ramnanan, Michael L. Blakey. "Racism, structural racism, and the American Association for Anatomy: Initial report from a task force". The Anatomical Record. 2022.
  • Danielle N. Edwards, Edgar R. Meyer, William S. Brooks, Adam B. Wilson. "Faculty retirements will likely exacerbate the anatomy educator shortage". Anatomical Sciences Education. 2022.
  • Victoria A. Roach, Misa Mi, Jason Mussell, Sonya E. Van Nuland, Rebecca S. Lufler, Kathryn M. DeVeau, Stacey M. Dunham, Polly Husmann, Hannah L. Herriott, Danielle N. Edwards, Alison F. Doubleday, Brittany M. Wilson, Adam B. Wilson. "Correlating Spatial Ability With Anatomy Assessment Performance: A Meta-Analysis". Anatomical Sciences Education. 2020.
  • Adam B. Wilson, Niroop Kaza, Darius J. Singpurwalla, William S. Brooks. "Are Anatomy PhDs Nearing Extinction or Adapting to Change? United States Graduate Education Trends in the Anatomical Sciences". Anatomical Sciences Education. 2020.



Monthly, faculty of the anatomy education section also partake in Ed-PRIME (Educators Pursuing Research in Medical Education). The Ed-PRIME group is comprised of administrators, course directors, and education minded faculty with a collective interest in medical education research. During Ed-PRIME meetings, journal club articles are shared, project ideas are developed, and research presentations are practiced.


National Organization Involvement

  • American Association for Anatomy
  • American Association of Clinical Anatomists
  • International Association of Medical Science Educators
  • Central Group of Educational Affairs of the AAMC


Section Faculty

Faculty Area of Teaching Concentration
Amy Beresheim, PhD Gross Anatomy
Colleen Cheverko, PhD Gross Anatomy
Jennifer Eastwood, PhD Histology
Karim Elalfy, PT, MA Gross Anatomy
Christopher Ferrigno, PhD, MPT

Director, Rush University Human Anatomy Laboratory
Gross Anatomy
Robert Leven, PhD Histology
Meghan Moran, PhD Gross Anatomy
Jeff Nelson, MD Gross Anatomy
Joanne O’Keefe, PhD Neuroanatomy
Jitesh Pratap, PhD Histology
Adam B. Wilson, PhD

Director of Anatomy Education
Gross Anatomy


Section of Anatomy Education Faculty

Section of Anatomy Education Faculty
(L to R: Drs. Nelson, Wilson, Moran, Eastwood, Beresheim, Ferrigno, Pratap)