Attending Positions
Rush University Medical Center is an 800-bed academic medical center on Chicago’s west side and is ranked in the top 20 on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. Annually, we provide more than 1500 pediatric anesthetics to a plethora of surgical services. We perform open heart and structural heart services among others and have the largest patient volume in Chicago.
We have developed a leading regional anesthesia program with fabulous mentorship. Rush also has large, nationally ranked orthopedic (#6), neurosurgery (#3), and otolaryngology (#45) programs, to name a few. The hospital is a thriving center for basic and clinical research and the Department of Anesthesiology has been granted prestigious NIH and DOD funding.
Due to expanding services at the Rush University Medical Center and affiliated ambulatory surgery centers, the Department of Anesthesiology is currently recruiting cardiac, pediatric, general and regional fellowship trained anesthesiologists. These positions involve clinical work in multi-specialty setting as well as working with residents and CRNAs; there are over 80 residents at the hospital.
Interested candidates should send a letter of interest and CV to:
Asokumar Buvanendran, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Anesthesiology
Rush University Medical Center
1750 W. Harrison St. (Suite 739, Jelke)
Chicago, IL 60612