Welcome to working from home for Rush. Here you'll find the information and resources you need before, during and after working remotely.
Find a detailed overview in our Step-by-Step Guide for Working from Home.
What you'll need
Here is a list of the devices you will need to be successful.
- Laptop or desktop computer, such as an Apple, PC or Chromebook
- Phone, either a land line or a smart phone (e.g., iPhone, Android)
- Internet connection, which you can use on your computer with browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox
Duo Mobile Security provides two-factor authentication to keep Rush information secure. Once you have installed Duo, you will use your phone to verify your identity when logging into work accounts like MyRush Apps or your Rush email on your computer.
To get started, visit https://myapps.rush.edu and sign in with your Rush username and password. Follow the prompts to register your device. At the end of the set-up, choose "Automatically send the device a Duo Push."
Accessing your Rush workspace from home
From your laptop or desktop computer at home, you can connect virtually to your computer at work. Visit https://myapps.rush.edu. You'll be prompted to log in and verify your identity through a Duo Security push notification. Once you're connected, click on the My PC icon at the top of your screen to remotely connect.
- Your H: drive is your personal directory. Make sure you open and save your files in the H: drive the entire time you are working from home, rather than saving them on your personal laptop, to ensure that you can access those files when you return.
- Your K: drive is your department's shared drive, where you can access and create any files that should be shared with your team even after you return from working remotely.
More detailed instructions for each step of the process are in our Step-by-Step Guide for Working from Home.
Meetings and collaboration
Rush offers a range of tools for meeting and working collaboratively with your team.
WebEx is a phone and video conferencing tool that allows participants to talk to each other, ask questions and share documents to continue collaboration. WebEx Teams is a messaging application that can be used to stay in constant contact will all of your co-workers.
You can get started with WebEx by logging into MyPC. While viewing your remote desktop, on your Start menu, click on All Programs to find the Cisco WebEx Meetings folder. Open it and click the Cisco WebEx Meetings icon to launch WebEx.
Zoom offers a video, audio and screen-sharing experience across Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Blackberry, Zoom Rooms, and H.323/SIP room systems. You can sign on to Rush’s Zoom web portal with your Rush e-mail address and password.
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams can be accessed through Office 365.
Be sure to talk with your manager and know which platforms your department is using to keep in touch.
Find a detailed overview of WebEx, including tips for successful remote meetings, Step-by-Step Guide for Working from Home.
Remote continuing education
With many conferences and other accredited events being canceled in light of the COVID-19 directives for limited social interaction, many Rush employees have asked how they can stay current with continuing education requirements.
Rush’s Interprofessional Continuing Education office offers many online and on-demand CE/CME/CNE activities that are available now for our community.
Get help
If you need any assistance, contact the Digital & Information Services Help Desk by calling (312) 942-4357 (2-HELP) or emailing help@rush.edu.