As the Student Senate board, it is our mission to ensure that the voices of all students across Rush University are heard and concerns taken seriously. To optimize student access to the senate, we have partnered with the student senate representatives and student government associations of all colleges. Additionally, students are encouraged to attend the bimonthly senate meetings as well as reach out to us directly via email at student_senate@rush.edu.
Chair: Emily Sullivan
Vice Chair: Divya Sharma (CHS)
Secretary: Arianna Ayala (CON)
Treasurer: Sushanth Neerumalla (RMC)
Social Media: Isabel Hartner (RMC)
Wellness: Citlali Blanco (CHS)
(6) Student Senators - College Representatives: Such representatives are responsible for the faithful and diligent representation and interests of his/her constituents
Student Organization Representatives
Student Senate meetings are held twice a month and it is the obligation of every officer to attend a minimum of 12 meetings an academic year. Each selected board member shall serve for at least one year. Other duties include help plan Student Senate events, potentially serve on search committees, etc.
If you are interested in joining Student Senate please feel free to contact the current Chair.
Contact Information
Student Senate: Student_Senate@rush.edu
Chair: Emily Sullivan
Advisors: Kapula Patalinghug, MM, Director, Student Affairs & Thomas Holland, MD, MS, Instructor, Rush Institute for Healthy Aging