As interim dean of RUSH Medical College, I have the privilege of leading a team that is dedicated to making all members of our community feel welcome. We strive to reflect the communities knowingly and unknowingly inhabited by our patients, providers and their families of choice, and do so in a manner that uplifts us all. Our goal is to create a welcoming environment for students and trainees from all backgrounds, in order to continue growing on our journey to serve our patients and one another. Together we are better.
Cynthia Brincat, MD, PhD
Interim Dean, RUSH Medical College
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

RUSH Medical College earned the Association of American Medical Colleges’ 2020 Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Engagement for its work to protect Chicago’s most vulnerable communities from COVID-19.

RUSH internal medicine physician Susan Lopez, MD, talked to KevinMD about how structural racism persists in patient experiences in health care institutions everywhere.

The Building Blocks partnership with RUSH Medical College provides Richard T. Crane Medical Preparatory High School students an immersive look at careers in medicine.

RUSH Medical College earned the Association of American Medical Colleges’ 2020 Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Engagement for its work to protect Chicago’s most vulnerable communities from COVID-19.