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RUSH University Department of Health Systems Management Alumni Association


The purpose of the Health Systems Management Alumni Association is to create a sense of community of graduates of the health systems management, or HSM, program. The alumni association's board does this in the following ways: 

  • Sponsoring and organizing social and networking events
  • Celebrating our alumni achievements
  • Working with the HSM program to support current students and activities
  • Increasing the visibility and reputation of the HSM program
  • Maintaining pride in the value of the practitioner-teacher model

HSM Alumni Association Board Members

President – Aubree Larson , '21

President-Elect – Gia Gradowski, '22

Treasurer – Alex Abowd, ‘21

Secretary – Kaila Mitchell, '18

Member-at-Large, Maddie Haynes, '22

Member-at-Large - Kevin Schofield, '21

Learn More About the HSMAA

Health Systems Management Alumni Association Updates

Contact Us

To contact the alumni board, please email or contact the HSM main office at (312) 942-5402.

Please follow the HSM Alumni Association group on LinkedIn for updates.