Rush Medical College departments further Rush University’s mission to provide high-quality, hands-on training to students, residents, fellows and researchers in a supportive, team-based environment. Learn more about our fields of studyAnatomy & Cell BiologyAnesthesiologyCardiovascular & Thoracic SurgeryDermatologyDiagnostic Radiology & Nuclear MedicineEmergency MedicineFamily & Preventive MedicineInternal MedicineMicrobial Pathogens & ImmunityNeurological SciencesNeurological SurgeryObstetrics & GynecologyOphthalmologyOrthopedic SurgeryOtorhinolaryngology - Head & Neck SurgeryPathologyPediatricsPhysical Medicine & RehabilitationPhysiology & BiophysicsPsychiatry and Behavioral SciencesRadiation OncologySurgeryTranslational ScienceUrology