The CTEI Instructional Design staff members create helpful video tutorials for faculty members. If you do not find what you need in this list, please contact CTEI for a consultation, or to request a video tutorial.
- Syllabus template introduction (1:20)
- Basic course information (:54)
- Basic course information (objectives, e-reserves, clinical lab) (:59)
- Course content table (1:47)
- Evaluation methods to grading policies (:52)
- Course communication and strategies for success (:44)
- University and college-specific policies (:37)
- Rush University definitions for online, blended, and web-enhanced courses (1:59)
- Codes for online courses (1:48)
- Codes for blended, face-to-face, and web-enhanced courses (2:28)
If you have further questions about the syllabus template, or course codes, please contact CTEI@rush.edu.
Assessment faculty panel series
This series of discussions included a panel of Rush University faculty, tackling the challenging subject of assessing students. The links to the records can only be accessed by people with a Rush.edu email address.
Part 1: The assumptions we make about assessment (59:54)
Part 2: Alternatives to traditional, high-stakes, summative assessments (coming in December)
Part 3: How to write fair and effective traditional exam questions & make exams Canvas friendly (coming in December)
Below is the list of CTEI workshop recordings that are on YouTube. To view a recording, visit our CTEI YouTube channel and visit our channel often for new workshop recordings.
- How to export a Blackboard 9 course into Canvas (5:10)
- Applying weekly overview template to the Blackboard course import (10:26)
- After effects of exporting Blackboard into Canvas (3:50)
Accessibility and Universal Design
- Accessibility & Universal Design (28:21)
Assessing Student Learning
- Authentic Assessment: Moving Away from Memorization (40:51)
- Efficient Grading Techniques for Online Learning (47:52)
- More than Grades: Keys to Effective Feedback (43:26)
- Roadmap to Rubrics: Painles & Straightforward Grading Using Rubrics (17:48)
- Small Changes, Big Impact: Formative Assessments (58:55)
Course Design & Support
- Curriculum Maps: Masterplans for Teaching & Learning Success (50:48)
- Enough is Enough: How to Realistically Determine Course Workload (39:47)
- HyFlex Course Design Model Introduction (47:25)
- Overview of Rush Standards for Online Course Design 931:45)
Teaching Strategies
- Evidence-Based Practices for Teaching Synchronously/Live Online Sessions (48:15)
- Evidence-Based Practices for Designing & Teaching HyFlex Courses (1:00:22)
- Introduction to Educational Escape Rooms (43:21)
- Presentation Techniques: Creating and Presenting with Style! (40:07)
- Student Centered Learning (47:16)
- Teaching Strategies for the Active Learning Classroom (41:22)
- Time Management Strategies in Online Teaching (36:23)
Technology Tools
- Flipgrid for your Class (46:09)
- O365 Teams for Teaching and Learning (41:48)
- Screencast-O-Matic Workshop (34:08)
Active Learning
Students’ Satisfaction on Their Learning Process in Active Learning and Traditional Classrooms; Jung Hyun, Ruth Ediger, and Donghun Lee; 2017
Using Kahoot! in the Classroom to Create Engagement and Active Learning: A Game-Based Technology Solution for eLearning Novices; Carolyn M. Plump, Julia LaRosa; 2017
Bloom's Taxonomy Resources
- Blooms Taxonomy - Application in Exam Papers Assessment; S. Ilango Sivaraman and Dinesh Krishna; 2015
- Biology in Bloom: Implementing Bloom's Taxonomy to Enhance Student Learning in Biology; Alison Crowe, Clarissa Dirks, Mary Pat Wenderoth; 2017
- Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning objectives; Nancy E. Adams; 2015
A comparison of revised Bloom and Marzano’s New Taxonomy of Learning; Jeff Irvine; 2017
Coming soon