Skiey Hardin, MD
Hometown - New Augusta, MS
Undergraduate - University of Mississippi
Medical School - University of Mississippi
Hobbies - Loving on my doodle, baking strawberry cupcakes, crafting, fishing
Program Favorites - This program is amazing! I love being part of a family that supports me and allows me to be ME. Everyone advocates for their patients and allows space for autonomy without judgment. Did I mention how obsessed we all are with each other? Truly INCREDIBLE!
Chicago Favorites - My favorite thing about Chicago is everything. I can’t pick just one thing. The food is amazing! The city is absolutely gorgeous! If you’ve ever been here, you know the skyline view can’t be beat. There is so much to do. Oh, and the aquarium has Beluga whales!
Olivia Murray, MD
Hometown - Kildeer, IL
Undergraduate - Elon University
Medical School - University of Illinois
Hobbies - Reading, traveling, cribbage, true crime documentaries
Program Favorites - I love how supportive everyone is and how everyone tries to lift you up, even on hard days.
Chicago Favorites - The lakefront trail and the food!
Elena Perkins, MD
Hometown - Ypsilanti, MI
Undergraduate - University of Michigan
Medical School - RUSH University Medical Center
Hobbies - Reading, playing piano, binge watching entire TV series at a time, forcing myself to go on a run, petting dogs
Program Favorites - The flavored e-water on the med onc floor. Just kidding obviously my co-residents, especially their humor and compassion. E-water is a close second though.
Chicago Favorites - Biking up the lake to the beach. And The Hangge Uppe.
Nicole Pohlman, MD
Hometown - River Forest, IL
Undergraduate - University of Michigan
Medical School - RUSH University Medical Center
Hobbies - Baking (best known on L+D for my chocolate chip cookies), traveling, running, biking, board games, spending time with friends
Program Favorites - Everyone, from attendings to residents to nurse practitioners and nurses, loves to teach and have been so welcoming!
Chicago Favorites - The amazing restaurants and endless activities available at all different times of the year!
Hannah Raff, MD
Hometown - San Francisco, CA
Undergraduate - Skidmore College
Medical School - RUSH University Medical Center
Hobbies - Painting, cooking, reading, hiking, rewatching FRIENDS, and crossword puzzles
Program Favorites - The people! Everyone is so genuinely nice and supportive!
Chicago Favorites - The summer, food, lake, comedy shows, and zoo (there’s a polar bear).
Brianna Sohl, MD
Hometown - Rochester Hills, MI
Undergraduate - Eastern Michigan University
Medical School - Wayne State University
Hobbies - Enthusiastic concert attendee, singing loudly along to the radio, reading and creative writing, making people laugh, and talking about my two cats: Magic and Stevie Nicks
Program Favorites - The culture. Everyone is so genuinely invested in the success of others and that support is invaluable. The people here have already made a big impact on me as a physician and as a person. I feel really lucky to be part of this family and to share in the joy of those around me.
Chicago Favorites - I love learning more about the neighborhoods of Chicago and their history. Plus, the beaches are so fun and accessible, and I picked up a new hobby in stand up paddle boarding!