Safira Amsili, MD
Hometown - Ithaca, NY
Undergraduate - Cornell University
Medical School - RUSH University Medical Center
Hobbies - Reading outside on a sunny day, knitting, picnicking/barbecuing, binging a tv show, watching musicals, playing with my niece and nephew
Program Favorites - The culture! I went to RUSH for medical school and as a student it was very obvious that all the OBGYN residents really like and support each other. I’m so happy that I now get to be a part of that community and work every day with such kind, compassionate, and fun people! My second favorite thing might be ordering free food trays on L&D shifts.
Chicago Favorites - Chicago summers, the beaches (literally writing this while lying on the beach), and all the good Ramen restaurants!
Andrea Delgado, MD
Hometown - Carpinteria, CA
Undergraduate - Harvard University
Medical School - Boston University
Hobbies - Cooking (NOT baking), taking a stroll to get a treat, going to the beach, amateur gardening, spinning
Program Favorites - Resident snack room! It’s just one of many examples that make me feel like I am in good hands at a program that cares about wellness and shows it through actions.
Chicago Favorites - Lake Michigan is stunning. As somewhat of a coastal elitist, it is really helping the Midwest win me over with miles of beaches, clean (not that cold) water, and how accessible it is! I am just starting to explore this city, but I love that there is always something to do - sports, concerts, endless restaurants, street festivals, museums, farmers markets…the list goes on! Chicago is the perfect mix of drivable but also walkable (trying to see how long I can put off getting a car - stay tuned!)
Laura Garcia-Torres, MD
Hometown - Mexico City, Mexico + Tampa, FL
Undergraduate - University of South Florida
Medical School - University of South Florida
Hobbies - Indoor cycling, dance, true crime podcast listener, exploring the city, binge-watching random Netflix shows
Program Favorites - During my application cycle, I knew I wanted a program that prioritized advocacy for reproductive rights and diversity. I originally found this program through Instagram (LOL) and immediately felt the residents’ immense love for each other. My meet and greet went just as I expected; everyone was so authentic and down to earth. During the interview, the faculty seemed so approachable and so invested in resident education. I knew I would get good training at countless institutions, but this program made it evident that I would be supported and empowered. My co-residents are truly some of the best people in the world and I honestly love them all to death!
Chicago Favorites - Where do I begin? I moved here after never visiting Chicago and I have truly fallen in love with this city! The diversity and food (tortillas in El Milagro are phenomenal) have to be some of my top reasons. I love all the random festivals I’ve stumbled upon while walking and the never-ending list of things to explore in the city. This city is truly amazing and I’m so excited to call this place home now!
Sean Kelly, MD
Hometown - Ashtabula, OH
Undergraduate - University of Rochester
Medical School - RUSH University Medical Center
Hobbies - Swimming, running, musicals, comedy clubs, board games, going to Boystown
Program Favorites - A solid snack room for the L+D nights munchies; co-residents who make me laugh and make sure I stay hydrated; sharing a workroom with nurses/PAs/NPs; new space for resident clinic is now connected to main hospital, so no walking in the cold! The faculty are easily approachable and genuinely invested in our personal and professional growth. My co-residents place emphasis on wellbeing. The Nurses, PAs, NPs, and other department staff value teamwork and patient advocacy.
Chicago Favorites - Griddle 24, AYCE kbbq and hot pot, Louie’s Pub karaoke, Riverwalk, Lakefront Trail, Northalsted neighborhood
Gabriella Perozo, MD
Hometown - Goodrich, MI
Undergraduate - University of Michigan
Medical School - Wayne State University
Hobbies - Amateur at home chef and baker who also loves exploring small businesses and restaurants!
Program Favorites - Everyone at RUSH wants you to succeed and be the best version of yourself! The trainee support system is unmatched, and everyone is here to support one another in any way possible. This was evident throughout my interview day and even more so when I arrived!
Chicago Favorites - As a Midwesterner, Chicago encompasses all the best parts of the Midwest while being in the city! There is always something to do, a new restaurant, or a new neighborhood to explore!
Kaitlyn Rewis, MD
Hometown - Melbourne, FL
Undergraduate - University of Florida
Medical School - Loyola University Chicago
Hobbies - Music festivals and concerts, aesthetic coffee shops, cool speakeasy bars, traveling, cuddling my dog, and quality time with friends
Program Favorites - The amazing people and welcoming culture! I was lucky to do my away rotation here and from Sub-I to PGY-1, I have felt supported since Day 1. Feeling so grateful to have 5 incredible co-interns to go on this journey with! Favorite class memory so far, renting a boat for our first class retreat.
Chicago Favorites - Two words - Chicago Summers!