Helping a suicidal person
- Listen. Offer help and resources; trust your instincts.
- Recognize warning signs of distress.
- Report suspicions to appropriate resources.
Suicide attempt on campus
- Call Rush Security immediately.
- Note method or means (weapon, drugs, etc.) for responders.
- Attempt to calm suicidal person, if safe to do so.
- Try to not leave the suicidal person alone.
Death on campus – natural causes, accident, suicide or homicide
- Ensure the area is safe to approach the victim.
- Identify the problem and the location, secure and isolate the area.
- Call Rush Security immediately.
- Assist Rush Security, EMS, and other first responders in locating and identifying possible suspect(s)/victim(s).
- Discourage large crowds from forming.
- When possible, obtain witness names.
- Ascertain emergency contact information to notify family members.
- Provide the EMS/police with emergency information.
Serious injury
- Call Rush Security immediately.
- Do not move a seriously injured person.
- Administer first aid.
- Rush University will activate appropriate emergency operations procedures.
- Isolate the victim and remain calm.
- Direct emergency personnel to location of the victim.