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Overview Media Cards create a row of two videos or images and descriptive content for each one. When to use Media Cards Great for presenting two videos together Can use multiple iterations…
Overview This component allows for up to four small blocks with an image placed to the right of related text. An overarching title and description can also be used to provide context about the blocks…
Overview This versatile component allows you to position an image or video together with text to create a coordinated design elements. Choose whether to put the media on the left or right, whether the…
Hero The hero component is always anchored to the top of the page. OverviewHero images are a common way to showcase an image that conveys a mood or feeling to the visitor, or simply represents the con…
Overview This component allows you to add one or more collapsible accordion sections onto the page. This can play an important role in making sure pages aren't visually overwhelming and let visit…
Overview WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) components provide a multipurpose text editor for incorporating a variety of information onto your page. Paragraphs, lists, tables, and images can be ad…
Web Page Components The RUSH University website contains many design elements that have been implemented in the page editor. The pages below give a detailed look at the components used on Basic Pages.…
Description Faculty profiles serve to promote the educational and research work of individual RUSH University faculty members and are displayed on the University website. The University websi…
Overview Each degree program includes a minimum of three standard pages: Landing page (Program page content type) Admissions page (Basic page content type) Curriculum page (Basic…
Overview This versatile page style is used for the majority of pages throughout the website. A wide variety of components can be placed on this page type, making it highly flexible for use in many dif…