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MissionThe purpose of GSSA is to educate, inspire, and unite students through engagement and mentorship in global surgery, including anesthesia & OB/Gyn. At Rush University our goals are to ex…
The University Assessment Committee (UAC) supports a process of continual self-evaluation and improvement across all educational programs at Rush University. In alignment with the Higher Learning Comm…
As part of RUSH University’s 50th anniversary, we are celebrating all RUSH University alumni. Join us for a weekend-long celebration, connect with RUSH University leaders and fellow alumni, current an…
Off Education DNP, Rush University MSN, Rush University MA, Dominican University BA, Illinois Wesleyan University Biography Amanda LaMonica-Weier received her undergraduate degree from Illinois Wesley…
The Tribology Laboratory, housed in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, supports the medical industry in finding solutions related to lubrication mechanisms of joints, causes of articular cartilage…
Many of us take the opportunity at this time of year to reflect on all that has transpired during the last 12 months. For me, this evokes a profound sense of pride and gratitude for the tenacity of th…
RUSH's policies, External Relationships and Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research and Conflicts of Interest and Commitment, address the requirements regarding reporting of conflicts of inte…
What you'll needImmunization regulations for the State of Illinois require new students at Rush University born after Jan. 1, 1957 to show proof of immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria…
Angela Moss, PhD, MSN, APRN-BC, FAAN, has been awarded the prestigious Institute of Medicine of Chicago Innovation in Health Care Award. Moss, the assistant dean of Faculty Practice at Rush University…
Efforts by foreign entities to interfere, intercept, and influence domestic innovation and collaboration cause federal agencies concern that individuals may seek to infiltrate U.S. academic and resear…