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CAPriCORN Data Requests

Come to the CAPriCORN Design Studio

Do you want to leverage the power of health data for your research project?

If you are interested in setting up a studio discussion for a project or data request, please complete our intake survey.

What can CAPriCORN at RUSH bring to your research?

Through CAPriCORN, you can take your project to the next level with comprehensive, multi-center health datasets designed to fit your research question. The database created at RUSH as part of our participation in CAPriCORN is available for use by RUSH personnel. This consists of RUSH health record information stored in a common data model that can be used to generate counts or more specific data for research projects. Patient satisfaction data is also available. Click here for more detailed information on the common data model.

The CAPriCORN at RUSH team provides knowledge and guidance throughout the process to ensure your success. Our data analysts work with each investigator to select specifications within the common data model to best address their research question, and develop data queries accordingly. The coordination team helps RUSH investigators navigate the CAPriCORN infrastructure - from the Front Door application, CHAIRb approval and data extraction processes.

What is the CAPriCORN data request intake process at RUSH?

  • Please reach out to the CAPriCORN at RUSH project coordinator David Sedillo to connect with the CAPriCORN at RUSH Team. Please ensure you connect with the CAPriCORN at RUSH Team before submitting a Front Door intake form with the CAPriCORN network.
  • To begin, please complete our intake form to share information about your data request.
  • Once submitted, the CAPriCORN at RUSH team schedule an initial planning meeting with your study team. During this process, investigators will work with our data analysts to refine data queries so that they are compatible with the CAPriCORN common data model and meet the investigator’s study needs.
  • If you are interested in distributing a network-wide query within CAPriCORN, we can connect you with the Front Door team who will work with you through the application process. Please refrain from doing this until you have spoken with the CAPriCORN at Rush team, and your query has been developed and validated through Rush.
  • Following the query development process, the CAPriCORN PMO Front Door application consists of CAPriCORN Steering Committee and CHAIRb approval. Additional information that may be useful is available on our Resources page.