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Conflict of Interest Office

The Rush University System for Health (Rush) is an institution of public trust. In recognition of that status, all Rush employees, faculty and staff are expected to conduct their affairs in ways that exemplify the Rush mission and ICARE values. Identifying relationships that are conflicts of interest (COI), perceived or actual, helps safeguard the work and reputations of Rush employees, faculty and staff and underscores excellence in what we do.

Rush's COI policies are designed to ensure appropriate disclosure and management or eliminate situations in which personal or familial interests might otherwise compromise or appear to compromise individuals' objectivity as caregivers, teachers, researchers or administrators.  The COI Office is located within Corporate Compliance to support and maintain a comprehensive COI program. Please click here to read the Rush Compliance Manual.

COI Program

The goal of the Conflict of Interest (COI) program is to develop and maintain a centralized process for identifying and managing, and/or reducing, eliminating interests that may have the potential to bias activities related to clinical care, research, education, and business decisions. The program consists of three committees: Conflict of Individual and Institutional Interest in Research (COIIIR), Clinical Conflict of Interest (CCIC) and Institutional Conflict of Interest (ICOI). The COI Office supports these committees as part of the program. Components of the COI program include: 

  • Administering the COI survey
  • Administratively support COI disclosures related to research
  • Auditing and monitoring compliance with COI management plans
  • Facilitating the Open Payments data reconciliation
  • Training and education
  • Reporting COI key performance indicators to various groups