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Rotation Schedule

Rotation/Clinic Time
Inpatient Child/Adolescent Psychiatry
75% time
Outpatient - General
5% time
Orthogenic School
10% time
10% time


First Year Child Psychiatry Rotations (6 months)

Rotation/Clinic Time
Outpatient - Anxiety & Affective Disorders Clinic (AADC) 10% time
Outpatient - ADHD 10% time
Outpatient - Toddler & Infant Psychiatry Service (TIPS) 10% time
Pediatric Neurology 10% time for 3 months
Didactics/Supervision  15% time
Continuity Clinic 20% time
Group Therapy 5% time for 2 months
Pediatric Consult-Liaison Psychiatry 10% time
Orthogenic School 10% time


Second Year Child Psychiatry Rotations (12 months)

Rotation/Clinic Time
Elective 10% time for 3 months
School Consultation 10% time for 4 months
Pediatric Consult-Liaison Training 10% time for 1 month
Chemical Dependence 10% time for 1 month
Outpatient ASD Clinic 10% time
The Senior Fellow for Outpatient ADHD Clinic 10% time
Orthogenic School 5% time
Didactics/Supervision 10% time
Research Rotation 10% time
Outpatient Continuity Clinic 30% time
Forensic Psychiatry 10% time for 4 months