The Rush Center for Clinical Skills and Simulation is home to a prolific research program in simulation-based education. Below you'll find a selection of recent publications and presentations that RCCSS faculty and staff have contributed to the healthcare simulation field.
Skertich, N., Schimpke, S., Lee, T., Wiegmann, A., Pillai, S., Rossini, C., Madonna, M., & Shah, A. (2021). Pediatric Surgery Simulation-Based Training for the General Surgery Resident. The Journal of Surgical Research, 258, 339–344.
Skertich NJ, Grunvald MW, Sullivan GA, Rossini C, Pillai S, Madonna MB, Schimpke SW, Shah AN. Silo placement in gastroschisis: A pilot study of simulation-based training for general surgery residents. J Pediatr Surg. 2020 Oct 6:S0022-3468(20)30712-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2020.09.063. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33139027
High-Fidelity Simulation in Occupational Therapy Curriculum: Impact on Level II Fieldwork Performance.
Mead, B, Velasco JM, Siparsky N. The Role of Sedation Simulation Training In The Credentialing Process of Practicing Surgeons: Ensuring Proficiency, Enabling Meaningful Professional Growth, and Instituting Quality Improvement Simultaneously. Virtual ASE 2021 Annual Meeting ,Thursday, April 29, 2021 through Saturday, May 1, 2021
Skertich, NJ, Wiegmann, AL, DeCesare, LA, Terranella, SL, Wojtowicz, A, Schimpke, SW, Velasco, JM, Shah, AN. Pediatric Surgery Simulation-Based training for the General Surgery Resident. Quick shot presentation, February 2-4, 15th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, TX, February 2020
Skertich, NJ, Wojtowicz, A, Shah, AN, Velasco, JM, Schimpke, SW. A Simulation-Based Training Curriculum for Abdominal Wall Defects. Quick shot presentation, February 2-4, 15th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, TX, February 2020
Implementation of a simulation-based pediatric clinical series for pre-licensure graduate nursing students presented at the 2020 Rush System Research and EBP Symposium, Naperville, IL (2/2020) and at INACSL 2020 Virtual Conference (6/2020). Co-presented by Schafer, K. M. & Richter, L. Received INACSL Outstanding Non-Research Poster Award
Implementation of an emergency management simulation for pre-licensure graduate nursing students presented at the 2020 Rush System Research and EBP Symposium, Naperville, IL (2/2020) and INACSL 2020 Virtual Conference (6/2020). Co-presented by Richter, L. & Schafer, K. M.
Veenstra, B MD, Velasco, JM MD. The Emergency Surgical Airway: Bridging The Gap from Quality Outcome to Performance Improvement through a Novel Simulation Based Curriculum. Am J Surg 2019, 217(3): 562-567
Skertich, NJ, Wiegmann, AL, DeCesare, LA, Terranella, SL, Wojtowicz, A, Schimpke, SW, Velasco, JM, Shah, AN. Pediatric Surgery Simulation-Based training for the General Surgery Resident. Quick shot presentation, February 2-4, 15th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, TX, February 2020
Skertich, NJ, Wojtowicz, A, Shah, AN, Velasco, JM, Schimpke, SW. A Simulation-Based Training Curriculum for Abdominal Wall Defects. Quick shot presentation, February 2-4, 15th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, TX, February 2020
Schimpke SW, Larson B, Veenstra B, Myers J, Velasco JM: Do one, do one, teach one: altering the dogma using simulation-based training to maximize efficiency of surgical resident education. Western Surgical Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2-5, 2019
Yelen M, Harman M, Milos S. Standardizing a Standardized Patient Program. Association of Standardized Patient Educators Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 8 – 11 2019
Cowperthwait A, Gerzina, Hopkins H, Lewis K, Smith C, Weaks C, Yelen M. ASPE Standards of Best Practice: A World Café™ Approach to Evidence, Experience and Applications. Association of Standardized Patient Educators Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 8 – 11 2019 (Pre-conference workshop)
Fleetwood, VA MD, Veenstra, B MD, Wojtowicz, A BS, Kerchberger, J MD, Velasco JM MD. Communication Through Simulation: Developing a Curriculum to Teach Interpersonal Skills. Surgery 164 (2018) 802–809
Veenstra, B MD, Velasco, JM MD. The Emergency Surgical Airway: Bridging The Gap from Quality Outcome to Performance Improvement through a Novel Simulation Based Curriculum. Am J Surg (in press)
Veenstra, B MD, Velasco, JM MD. The Emergency Surgical Airway: Bridging The Gap from Quality Outcome to Performance Improvement through a Novel Simulation Based Curriculum. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Surgical Association, August 5 - 7 at the Grand Hotel in Mackinac Island, MI
Fleetwood, VA MD, Veenstra, B MD, Wojtowicz, A BS, Kerchberger, J MD, Velasco JM MD. Communication Through Simulation: Developing a Curriculum to Teach Interpersonal Skills. Central Surgical Association Annual Meeting, March 15-17, 2018, Columbus, Ohio
Blackwood BP, Veenstra BR, Wojtowicz AK, Pillai S, Velasco JM. Design and Implementation of Surgical Resident Simulation Curriculum via Novel Myotomy Model. (Abstract #: ASC20181327) Quick shot presentation, January 31st, 13th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Jacksonville, FL, January 2018
Wojtowicz A., Walsh N., Velasco JM. A Cost Effective Approach to Surgical Simulation: Use of Inanimate Surgical Simulation Models. Rush Research Forum, Chicago, IL
Wojtowicz A., Walsh N., Velasco JM. A Cost Effective Approach to Surgical Simulation: Use of Inanimate Surgical Simulation Models: Interim results. Chicago Simulation Consortium Conference, Chicago, IL
Wojtowicz, A BS, Siparsky N, MD, Madrigrano A, MD, Velasco JM, MD. (ID #73785): Novel Simulation Curriculum to Teach Surgical Drain Management. Scientific Forum program, American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress. Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, October 21-25, 2018 (e-poster presentation)
Siparsky N, Veenstra B, Madrigrano A, Velasco JM. Modernizing educational paradigms by integrating surgical simulation across surgical specialties. American College of Surgeons' 2018 Annual ACS Surgical Simulation Summit: An International Multi-Professional Meeting, March 16-17, 2018, Chicago, IL
Balash P, Kelly C, PA-C, Velasco JM. Intussusception of the Small Bowel Secondary to Prostate Cancer: New Case Report and Review of the Literature. 2018 Annual Scientific meeting, Southeastern Surgical Congress, February 10-13, Tampa, FL
Wojtowicz A, Veenstra BR, Velasco JM. Pathology Meets Surgical Simulation: Incise, Drain, and Suture. SSH forum on Modeling and Simulation, January 12-13, 2018, LA California. (Poster)