Thank you for your interest in a visiting clerkship at RUSH University Medical Center!
We are happy to host visiting students to give interested students an opportunity to rotate through and see the department which serves as our main education site and experience the educational opportunities at RUSH firsthand. Visiting students will rotate through RUSH University Medical Center in downtown Chicago.
We participate in AAMC’s Visiting Student Learning Opportunity (VSLO) and require applications to be submitted via the VSLO service. For further details regarding rotation dates, requirements, and other specifics please see: RUSH EM Visiting Students
We are also happy to offer our scholarship for the Rush Diversity and Inclusion Visiting Scholars Program (VSP). VSP seeks exceptional medical students who have demonstrated a commitment to health equity and addressing health and healthcare disparities in underserved and marginalized communities. The scholarship will provide a $2000 stipend which many be used for travel, housing, application fees, and incidental expenses related to the month-long rotation. Students will be responsible for their own housing and travel arrangements. All applications for students must be submitted via the RUSH Visiting Scholars Program. For further information regarding the scholarship please see: RUSH EM URiM Scholarship