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Welcome from Our Chairperson


It is an honor to lead one of the premier, innovative departments in the country at RUSH University during one of the most challenging times. Joining this department as a resident in 1995, I am humbled to follow my predecessors, Dr. Anthony Ivankovich (1980 – 2006) and Dr. Kenneth Tuman (2006 – 2020).

The Department of Anesthesiology at RUSH University, located in the heart of the Illinois Medical District, offers a highly sophisticated training program with outstanding faculty in a state-of-the-art tertiary-care setting, where the full spectrum of anesthetic care is provided. Anesthetics are provided in a Care Team model, focusing on excellence in patient outcome and experience.

Our department continues to take a central role in the application of modern anesthesia explosive growth and has an enormous impact on surgical practice and management of pain. The department’s research, education, and clinical care have attracted patients and partnerships around the country. The research base continues to broaden in both quality and depth. We are one of few Anesthesiology departments in the country with NIH-funded research. Within the department, we have faculty who play active roles in state, national, and international medical societies.

RUSH’s Anesthesiology Residency program has long been recognized as providing an outstanding and extensive experience in all subspecialty areas, with strong representation in the subspecialties of clinical anesthesia, critical care, and pain management. We offer fellowship experience to residents seeking additional training in pain medicine and regional anesthesia. Subspecialty tracks are available in cardiac, obstetric, critical care, neurosurgical, and ambulatory anesthesia. The Anesthesiology Residency program prepares our trainees for American Board of Anesthesiology certification as a consultant in anesthesiology and perioperative medicine and ensures that our graduates are well-qualified for clinical practice, either in the university or the community setting. Our residents and fellows are diverse and are highly sought after, even before completing their training.

I invite you to learn more about our department by reading about our medical student education, research, and postgraduate training programs in anesthesiology and pain medicine.


Asokumar Buvanendran, MD
Department of Anesthesiology