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Typical Block Schedule

Block 12345678910111213
Rotation NameInpatient CLInpatient CL/Outpatient EpilepsyInpatient CL/Outpatient EpilepsyInpatient CL/Outpatient Movement Disorder Inpatient CL/Outpatient Movement Disorder Inpatient CL/Outpatient TransplantInpatient CL/Outpatient TransplantInpatient CL/Outpatient TransplantSUIT/Toxicology Inpatient CL/Outpatient Psych-Oncology and Elective Inpatient CL/Outpatient Psych-Oncology and ElectiveInpatient CL/Outpatient Psych-Oncology and ElectiveInpatient CL/Outpatient Elective
% Outpatient 0%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%0%20%20%20%40%
% Research/QI0%0%10%10%10%10%20%10%10%10%10%20%10%


Schedule Overview for the Year. Each block is four weeks, with the exception of the SUIT rotation. Schedule is subject to change at any time. 

Rotation key 
CL = Consultation Liaison 
SUIT = Substance Use Intervention Team

Site key
RUMC = RUSH University Medical Center 

ELECTIVE Options -
Women's Mental Health
Collaborative Care
LGBTQ+ Psychiatry
Emergency Department (ED) Psychiatry


Fellows typically rotate on CL Inpatient Service each morning, regardless of their assigned rotation. The only exception is the SUIT/Toxicology, while scheduled on that rotation the fellow is exempt from the Consultation-Liaison Service.


Contact Us

Amy Denn Perry, M.A.
Senior Residency Coordinator, Fellowship Coordinator Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry