Photo by Sebastian Kowalski
General Info
In 2005, a group of volunteers in various clinical specialties formed a partnership with the community of Peralta, Dominican Republic. In 2010, a similar partnership was formed in Jerusalem, a resettlement community outside of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The mission is to provide manpower, supplies, medications, training and encouragement to communities with the goal of helping these communities become empowered and positioned to offer independent and sustainable care. In addition to clinical work, Rush volunteers have also been involved in development of water purification and distribution, revenue from which supports operations in the partner clinics.
What is it?
Partnering with local physicians and community health workers, our teams assist with the overwhelming need for care in the community. Participants on trips diagnose, treat and manage acute and chronic medical conditions as well as provide health education. Currently, there are approximately seven primary care trips a year. During this trip, you will reside in Santo Domingo in a guest house, where you will have shared rooms, access to WiFi, and occasional hot showers.
Where is it?
- Villa Verde: Villa Verde is a settlement community located 45 minutes north of Santo Domingo.
- Duquesa: Duquesa is a settlement community located 45 minutes outside of Santo Domingo. It is mainly inhabited by Haitian migrants.
When is it?
Dominican Republic (Saturday-Saturday)
- August 3-10, 2024
- September 14-21, 2024
- October 12-19, 2024
- January 11-18, 2025
- January 18-25, 2025
- March 29 - April 5, 2025
- May 10-17, 2025
Who can participate?
Teams are comprised of attending staff, residents, medical students, pharmacists, physical therapists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, psychotherapists, nurses and support staff.
How do I get credit?
Fourth-year medical students can participate in two ways:
- Volunteer (take vacation time and participate on a trip)
- Receive credit-to receive credit, students must meet with Dr. Aziz, be accepted into the M4 elective, and then are able to participate on a trip. Please review full criteria for M4 elective prior to committing.
How much does it cost?
Team members are responsible for paying for airfare (varies), trip insurance ($50-$80), and a $1450 logistics fee (which covers lodging, meals, ground transportation, and administrative fees).
Students, residents, nurses, and support staff may be eligible for travel scholarships contingent on the availability of funds. Employees are eligible to apply for partial reimbursement using LEAP funds.
Information Packets & Resources
Interested in participating?
Want to participate on a trip, please email global_health@rush.edu to submit interest.