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Rush University Medical Center Honored for COVID-19 Response

Rush University Medical Center Honored for COVID-19 Response

Rush University Medical Center has been recognized for its COVID-19 response action plan along with 102 other leading hospitals worldwide in the International Hospital Federation Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19 Program.

Rush University Medical Center's entry, “Community COVID Response: Pro-actively Addressing Health Equity Needs in Chicago Communities” received the recognition after a thorough review by an international committee of 16 experts from the health care industry.

To date, Rush University System for Health has performed more than 115,000 tests for COVID-19, diagnosing more than 20,000 cases of the disease, and provided care for more than 3200 hospitalized patients, including many of the sickest patients in the Chicago area, with outcomes better than national averages. Rush University Medical Center also has provided extensive assistance to stem the spread of COVID-19 in the surrounding community, including partnerships with area homeless shelters and interventions to assist residents of Chicago’s West Side at high risk from the disease. 

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the International Hospital Federation launched the IHF COVID-19 Response Recognition Program to acknowledge actions and responses of hospitals and health service providers around the world that in the IHF’s judgment went “beyond the call of duty.” With a mission to support hospital performance improvement, this recognition is provided to hospitals and health service providers that proactively put in place outstanding and innovative organizational responses or actions in facing the COVID-19 pandemic in their region or country.

Hospitals recognized by the IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19 Program are being featured in an extensive international media campaign on December 15 honoring hospitals and health service providers worldwide in their fight against COVID-19. The full list of recognized hospitals can be found here.

Ronald Lavater, IHF CEO, said the outstanding work in response to the pandemic is transforming the future of health care.

“One of our motivations in creating this recognition program is to highlight the diversity and agility of the hospital industry in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Lavater explained. “The pandemic forced hospitals to develop, implement and adopt new ways to operate, and many of these changes have accelerated positive transformation in the delivery of care.”

The International Hospital Federation Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19 Program is sponsored by the Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital – Nikken Group and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations.