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An Innovative Web Based Adaptation of the Chicago Parent Program

Research Team

Susan M. Breitenstein, Principal Investigator, Rush University College of Nursing
Wrenetha Julion, Intervention Development, Rush University College of Nursing
Louis Fogg, Statistician, Rush University College of Nursing
Deborah Gross, Grant and Intervention Development, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing

Award Period


Funding Source

Rush University College of Nursing Research Fund


Considerable evidence shows that behavioral parent training (PT) interventions are effective in preventing child behavior problems. However, their efficacy when delivered in community settings is reduced due to low enrollment and attendance. Developing innovative approaches to service delivery are needed to overcome barriers to participation. The purpose of this pilot study is to develop a web-based delivery prototype of two sessions of the Chicago Parent Program (CPP), an evidence based parent training prevention intervention. The CPP was specifically designed to target the needs of low-income, ethnic minority parents. Similar to other community based PT programs, attendance and enrollment tend to be low. The web-based prototype will be an innovative system of delivering PT to increase enrollment, attendance, and intervention dose. The prototype is intended to be delivered via a hand held mobile device. This study will be conducted in two phases. In phase 1, a parent advisory group and CPP and technology experts will be engaged to develop the prototype. In phase 2, the prototype will be evaluated for feasibility in a low income, ethnic minority sample. The findings from this preliminary study will be used to expand the CPP web based adaptation for all sessions and to test for efficacy in a future R01 grant.

For more information about this project, please contact:

Susan M. Breitenstein
Phone: (312) 942-6259