The four-year pathology residency program at RUSH University places a strong emphasis on both anatomic and clinical pathology, offering a broad combination of structured didactic and practical training in a tertiary care setting.
The Department of Pathology is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education for up to 16 residency positions. The residency program fulfills requirements of the American Board of Pathology and the ACGME Residency Review Committee.

About the program
Program structure: Residents rotate monthly through anatomic (28 to 29 months) and clinical (19 to 20 months) pathology specialties.
Teaching conferences: Residents attend daily conferences, during hours largely free of clinical obligations.
Evaluation: The program emphasizes verbal and written feedback from attendings to residents on performance. Written evaluation is partly based on the ACGME core competencies and milestones.
Progressive responsibility: Residents are given graded responsibility in anatomic pathology in their case grossing and management, clinician interaction and report writing, and in their presentations at departmental, intradepartmental and local conferences.
Research: Residents are encouraged to pursue their own research and present their findings at national pathology meetings and in journal publications.
Learn more: Why Choose RUSH?
Program strengths

- Broad spectrum of pathological material.
- Ease of fellowship and job placement in attractive positions due to program reputation for excellence.
- Nurturing academic environment with expert and stable faculty.
- Three helpful pathology assistants on staff.
- Single institutional site for all training, accessible by public transportation, except for forensic pathology rotation (3 blocks away).
- Intraoperative consultations are performed in the pathology grossing room rather than off site, allowing for efficient use of training time.
- Institutional and departmental funding for travel to pathology conferences.
- Senior residents attend the daily faculty quality control conference.
- Second- and third-year residents present cases at the Illinois Repository of Anatomic Pathologists.
- Visiting professor lecture series.
- Abundance of teaching conferences.
- Excellent preparation for AP and CP boards with higher than national average passage rate.
- Additional departmental travel/book allowance for senior residents.
- High resident academic productivity.
- Excellent social environment.
- Free garage parking for residents who elect to drive.
How to apply
Our program considers applications from students applying directly from medical school and from those who have already completed one or more years of postgraduate training in other clinical specialties or research. International medical graduates are welcome to apply. Our institution sponsors J1 visa applications.
Please send your application by Nov. 15 for appointments beginning in July of the following year via the Electronic Residency Application Service.

Also include the following:
- Dean's letter and medical school transcripts
- Three letters of recommendation
- U.S. Medical Licensing Examination transcripts
- Curriculum vitae
- Personal statement (in addition to a statement of your personal and career goals, please describe any notable academic or employment accomplishments and explain any gaps in training and employment.)
Candidates must have graduated within the past five years from an approved medical school and be eligible for licensure to practice medicine in Illinois. If you have questions or would like more information, please email the pathology residency program or call (312) 942-5471.
- The Harriet Blair Borland Professor of Pathology, EmeritusDepartment of Pathology
- The James R. Lowenstine Professor of Internal MedicineDepartment of Internal Medicine
- Associate ProfessorDepartment of Medical Laboratory Science