Birth equity
Birth equity is the effort to ensure more optimal birth conditions for all and address the racial and social impact the current disparities and inequities in birth outcomes. Initiatives taking place at RUSH and within OBGYN include:
- EPDS Screening
- Baby Friendly Initiatives
- Family Connects Intervention
- ACE Screening
- Doula Support
- Diverse Educational and Support Resources
- IPLARC Education and Documents
- Hypertension Education
- Statements to patients regarding Birth Equity
- Lactation Consultants
- 2-week and 6-week postpartum visits
- EPDS/Social Work
Additional efforts & resources
- Center for Community Health Equity
Co-founded by DePaul and RUSH in 2015, the goal of the Center for Community Health Equity is to improve community health outcomes and contribute to the elimination of health inequities in Chicago. - Affirm: The RUSH Center for Gender, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health
Affirm’s mission is to bridge disparities in care for LGBTQ+ patients by ensuring that our people understand how to provide high-quality care and affirming services for everyone. - Anchor Mission Strategy
As an anchor institution on the West Side of Chicago, RUMC has a responsibility to use its economic power to bring systemic change through hiring locally and developing more local talent, buying and sourcing locally, investing locally, and volunteering locally.